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Monday, March 7, 2011

Gwillville - Coming Soon

Today I thought I'd introduce you all to a new series of books that will be hitting the bookstores soon.

The 'Gwillville' series is aimed at Middle Grade readers who enjoy comical adventure stories set in a fantastical world. Press the play button below and listen to the introduction (you will need to have flash enabled on your browser):

The first book in the Gwillville series, 'Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory' will be coming to all e-bookstores before the end of the month. So, what is the story behind the first book? Here is a little teaser:

Farnsworth is a twenties-something bumbling country-bumpkin of a dummy that has worked the last nine years for Fergus Fedderfeeny, the owner of the best pie-making restaurant in town. But something is amiss in the restaurant; some of the vegetables have gone missing and the particular and exact Mr. Fedderfeeny won’t be at all happy about that. Then there is the situation with The Mangler. Ever since Farnsworth’s father was pulled into The Mangler and put on a ship sailing north, never to be seen again, Farnsworth has always worked carefully around it. But somehow The Mangler is now making pies that taste very different from the usual batch. Farnsworth is convinced there’s a connection between the missing vegetables and the magnificent tasting pies and he needs to get to the bottom of it before Fergus’ nasty twin brother, Hamish, carries out his plan to make the pies for himself. Of course things go disastrously wrong for Farnsworth and he is left hoping that the beautiful Detective Daisy Driftwood will help him save the day, solve the mysteries and right all the wrongs.

I'll be writing more on the Gwillville books over the next few weeks, but you can always keep up to date at the Gwillville page on this blog. I'll end with a quote from Farnsworth himself:

“Yep, yep, uh yep,” he continued talking to himself. “Just need to simpilize this a little.”

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