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Friday, March 4, 2011

Oil versus Gas prices

I originally posted this blog entry a couple of years ago (back in 2008) on a different blog, but what with the current renewed interest in gas prices I thought I would resurrect it. It's actually very interesting because the initial numbers I gathered still work today. Please note I have not altered any of the charts below since 2008. So, with oil currently at about $100 a barrel that would put gas at about $3.50 <- seems pretty close to me...

I was thinking the other day about whether the price of gas at the pumps reflected the cost of oil sold in barrels. I somehow got the impression that we were being ripped off somewhere along the line and so I went out on the Internet to see if there were any comparison tables available. I couldn't find any.

So, I managed to get hold of historical oil prices (per barrel) and also historical gas prices (per US gallon) and then I put them together into an Excel spreadsheet. The results are as below. Please click on an image to get the big picture. The intersting thing is that gas and oil prices have in fact kept steady with each other over the years. Also by plotting a scatter chart of the prices against each other, you can do a crude lookup (pun intended!) as to what gas should be if you know how much oil is, and vice versa.

Just something interesting for a rainy day...

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Living out a mundane school life is not the norm for 12yo Terry West. After digging up some rune coins near a roman road, he has been living another life. The other world is very different from his home. There he is Teern Truthbringer, an 18yo soldier, who is tasked with finding the Xannu. Battling un-earthly creatures & witnessing powerful magic are all in a day's work. But some want him dead...

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