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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Facebook Marketing - Use what you can get

An extra blog post for the day! In the theme of shameless marketing I'm going to post the reviews of someone who recently bought my two Xannu books and reviewed them on Amazon. The reviews were brief but I did get word she was going to revise them 'when she had time.' That aside, the conciseness of the words speak for themselves. Apparently my books are indeed professionally written, have great plots and are totally non-putdownable...

So, anyway here's what was written by this particular customer. She can out herself if she wants to!

Xannu - The Prophecy:
I have just finished reading this and I've immediately downloaded book two and the brevity of this review reflects my eagerness to get started reading it.

Well done Mr Dorset...I look forward to the remaining books in this series.

Xannu - The Healing:
Another fabulous tale from the mind of Paul Dorset.....

While this series is aimed at young adults, I've thouroughly enjoyed reading it as an adult.
With well written characters and an interesting plot, I'll be daydreaming about their further adventures until i can get my hands on book 3.

So, No excuses now - go out and buy one... I'd love to get your feedback too.

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