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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dreams or Nightmares?

As a final thought for the weekend I wanted to write a little about dreams and nightmares... scary!

Do you have dreams or do you have nightmares? And what I mean by that is not what happens at night, but how you live your day. Is your day about fulfilling dreams or reliving nightmares? I guess we've all done some of both over the years. I was thinking about this the other day when I was reading an article someone had written about their dreams. They said they'd cut out pictures of all their dreams and pasted them up in a collage on the wall. Then every day as they walked past they were reminded of their dream and all the things that made it up. Gradually, over time, this person achieved everything on their collage; the dream was finally realized!

I found the concept of this pretty powerful and a great way to keep yourself focused on your dreams. As of yet I've not gotten around to doing this myself but I am very tempted. I just wish I was more artistic!

But what about the nightmares? Too many times we allow ourselves to fall into the same mistakes, over and over. We relive our nightmares. I personally believe it's because we're not focused enough to do something. We are content to let life just carry us along. Well, you know if we just do this then life will take us wherever it wants and some of those places are indeed nightmares! It's tough to be proactive every day and force yourself to go towards the end goal that you have in mind, but if you are to realize your dreams, you're going to have to do that. No one is going to just give you what you want. If only life were that easy!

Personally I'm fed up with reliving nightmares and I intend to realize my dreams on a daily basis. Can I sign you up?

Xannu - The Prophecy by Paul Dorset. $0.99 from
Living out a mundane school life is not the norm for 12yo Terry West. After digging up some rune coins near a roman road, he has been living another life. The other world is very different from his home. There he is Teern Truthbringer, an 18yo soldier, who is tasked with finding the Xannu. Battling un-earthly creatures & witnessing powerful magic are all in a day's work. But some want him dead...

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