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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Books I want to write

I write the books I want to write... Mostly!

There just aren't enough hours in the day to write all the books I want to write. The problem is actually not so much the hours as organizing all the material and keeping four stories straight in your head at any one time. It's that that I have a problem with.

So, as you already know I am currently writing the latest in my Young Adult fantasy series - Xannu - The Portal. That takes up a lot of my time. Then there's the Gwillville books that I am just getting ready for publication. These are Middle Grade comic adventures (think Nancy Drew / Enid Blyton in a modern day setting). Then I have a project management reference book that is in its final stages of editing. And lastly I have a Sci-Fi story with a difference already started and waiting for some prime time exposure.

What else do I want to write? Well, I do keep promising to write my life story. Not for any other reason than I think it will make a good read. I have been fortunate to have journeyed across much of the world, have had several children, have lived in different countries, have been kidnapped (did I say kidnapped? Oh yes...), have been shot at, have escaped a war while on vacation. The list goes on! You have to smile through life when these sorts of things happen along the way. So, if I could only get another parallel set of days up and running (or a good secretary), I could get my life story written too. But in the meantime I'll just continue writing whatever I can. If I can get enough fans and start to do this as a full-time job then maybe, just maybe I'll write that 'life experiences' book. Until then you'll just have to make do with the epic fantasy and adventures stories. After all, I wouldn't want you to think real life is ever as exciting as in the books!


  1. Looks like this set off a little land-mine in places!

  2. So you dont do things by half measures then! Your life story most certainly would make a good read and I look forward to it...

  3. Thanks Misti :-) Life is fun...
