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Friday, March 18, 2011

Another day, another dollar

Well, it's been a busy week this week. Some weeks just seem especially so. Writing has continued on at full speed and marketing efforts have been stepped up a notch. Of course the big event of the week was the launch of the first Gwillville book and that's now available to purchase everywhere I can get it!

Next week it's time to make the finishing touches to my Project Management book and get that out and about. There's always something that needs attending to. I have been encouraged by my first few weeks sales and very soon it will be time to get down to some really serious marketing. I am hoping that by the end of next month I'll have five books published. At least that's the intention anyway. Someone may begin to take me seriously at that point!

I want to take a brief moment to thank all of you that have downloaded my books so far. It is well appreciated. Don't forget to write a review of them on Amazon when you are done though!

So, it's time to start thinking about the weekend. I have a busy writing schedule planned for tomorrow and Sunday so I don't know how my blog is going to fare. I need to get ahead of myself in posts again. I guess the DVR will just have to wait for another few days!

So, if you haven't already done so, please check out my books on Amazon and download a copy. Struggling authors always appreciate the patronage of their readers :-)

Buy books at Amazon HERE
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