My Books

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Amazon to Stop Selling Books

Wouldn't that be a terrible headline? Can you imagine just what would happen to the book market if Amazon decided not to sell books anymore?

Over the last several years we have come to rely on Amazon for many, many things. Especially books. Amazon has been one of the leading companies in the promotion of ebooks, even launching their own reader, the Kindle. So, a world in which Amazon no longer sold books would be an interesting place.

It would be like Apple not selling iPhones, or Ford not selling cars, or Comcast to stop selling cable (okay - not so bad), or Mars not selling M&Ms! But, you know, every day some companies go out of business; businesses that people rely on and no one sheds a tear. Life goes on.

At some time or other, Amazon will stop selling books. What will you do then? In the meantime, head over to Amazon and get my books while you can... You know it makes sense.



  1. Not going to happen except maybe in some weird fictional parallel universe where books aren't important and mostly ignored, but kudos for a shocking blog post title :)

  2. hahahaa... you mighta' just torn a hole in the universe with that headline, John

  3. I am with you all. i jumped right on over here.

  4. Clever hook. You caught a fish! lol Since I'm here, I might as well share our beginner's short story contest with your group. Cash prize or free writing course at Ends Oct. 20.

  5. You got me. What will I do? Probably keep writing books and wondering how to sell them. Not that Amazon has made much of a difference to me, one way or the other.

  6. As a narrator of Amazon audiobooks, I can assure you that Amazon is very serious about their book sales. I don't see it happening any time in the near future.

  7. You got me. I had to come here and read. Good for you.

  8. You got me. I had to come and read what was happening. You did a great job. Good for you.

  9. I love to read it is mankinds greatest legacy.

  10. Great hook...reeled me in, too. I think Amazon will cease to exist on December 21...or the next end of the world.

  11. I don't think this argument has much ground to stand on. Why would Amazon stop selling books? Aren't books one of its primary sources of income? Why step down from printed books and let Barnes and Nobles scoop up their sales.

    I don't see it happening for a long, long, time.

    Still, an interesting thought.

  12. So get your books on Kindle, actually my sales have gone up scince we did.

  13. Excellent title indeed. It's why I clicked on it.

  14. Brilliant Paul:-) Wishing you a wonderful week. x

  15. Amazon to stop selling books?! No worries, just come on over to Kbuuk :)

  16. It would not surprise me at all if they stopped selling physical books at some point for digital downloads only. Though I still prefer the feel and smell of a real book, ebooks will undoubtedly take over in the next 10 years or so will only special editions being physically printed. Think of all the warehouses they could do away with if they don't have to physically ship them anymore.

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