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Sunday, May 15, 2011

16. Self-Editing Your Novel (Writing for Success)

Well, today unfortunately we have to stop the blog posts from my series on Writing for Success (UPDATE: If you have come here from a link, you can read the first 15 articles by scrolling down the page). The reason? Of course I would like you all to buy the ebook! You feel cheated? I don't believe that. Thousands of you have read the posts so far and the feedback has been great. But, unfortunately the last ten of the twenty-five posts are only going to be available in the ebook.

When can you buy it? In about a week (NOW!!). And it's only going to be $0.99 $3.99. That really is nothing for anyone who takes writing seriously and who wants to write a successful novel. So, I am sure you'll understand my decision...

In the meantime, today there are a lot of goodies for you to look at. Firstly, let's take a look at the full contents of the upcoming ebook: How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel -

1. Don't Start the Story at the Beginning
2. Become a Successful Writer in 2,000 Hours
3. Poems and Short Stories
4. Creating a Good Plot
5. How Long Should a First Novel Be?
6. Writing in the First Person
7. Writing in the Third Person
8. Dialog Versus Narrative – Show Versus Tell
9. Writing Your First Novel: Words & Routine
10. Conflict and Its Importance
11. Plot Pace
12. Creating Believable and Well Rounded Characters
13. Writing Dialog – Or ‘He Said, She Said’
14. Creating a Page Turner
15. Letting the Book 'Cook'
16. Self-Editing Your Novel
17. The Process of Pre-Reads
18. Creating a Fantasy World
19. How to Write a Novel: The End-To-End Process
20. Creating a Writing Environment without Interruptions
21. Reading to Write
22. Encouraging All Would Be Authors
23. The Self-Publishing Process - The COMPLETE Instructions
24. The Relevance of Social Media
25. Marketing Your Book

There's more than enough stuff to keep you occupied here!

For the remainder of your Sunday enjoyment, how about taking a look at some of my most popular posts? I'm sure there's something for everyone here. Have a great Sunday.

1. Dummies guide to publishing an ebook on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords
2. Don't start the story at the beginning (Writing for Success)
3. Amazon Kindle - Reading Books on the iPhone, Android, Blackberry & Droid
4. Become a Successful Writer in 2,000 Hours (Writing for Success)
5. FREE Xannu excerpt...
6. 16,000 Twitter Followers in 90 Days without steroids (Part One)
7. Ebook sales top paperbacks for first time
8. IndieBookBlogger: 5 Star review for Xannu - The Prophecy
9. What is epic fantasy and why do I write it?
10. Who is Lucy Weatherington?

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