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Friday, May 20, 2011

Slow Sunny Friday

It's going to be sunny in Seattle today. And sunny means it's going to be above 70F. I know that's not hot for a lot of places, but here in the pacific northwest we make the most of our sunny days!

So it's also going to be a slow day. And maybe even a slow weekend. What this means is that there's not going to be a lot to report on for the next couple of days. You'll have to bear with me while I decompress for a couple of days.

In the meantime there are plenty of books to check out. You could start with my latest ebook: How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel - it's a great read and something that will be of help to all aspiring authors. It's only $0.99 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. Download it today!

So, until tomorrow, take it easy. I hope it's sunny where you are. Enjoy the weather.