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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Seattle Sounders v Dallas FC - Possession Without Goals Doesn't Win Games

Well, I've just finished watching the latest Seattle Sounders football game and although they played better than last Saturday , they were outclassed. Possession alone doesn't win games and that was proven in style tonight. In the second half, Seattle had 72% of the possession yet couldn't convert anything in front of the goal. So what's to be done?

It's time for a coaching change. It's time for Sigi to either go or start to play a different system. Sounders just don't look like they will score and so often they are laid open in defense. He's had 3 years to build a team now and he has some talented players, but ultimately you need to score goals to win games. And Seattle is just not scoring goals.

Oh well, another week and another bad result. How much longer will it have to go on before something gets done about it? Tonight's players -

Montero: Sorry, but he played terrible. No touch and no real idea of what he was doing. Time to sit out a few games, Fredy.

Fucito: Gave his 100% and more. Keep him playing.

Friberg: Inconsistent. Some weeks he looks like he might make a breakthrough, but tonight he was mostly ineffectual.

Rosales & Fernandez: The best players on our team tonight and improving every week.

Alonso: You cannot fault his effort.

So, what's the problem? Terrible set piece plays (corners and free-kicks) and lack of position in play build-ups. Back to the drawing board, Sigi...

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