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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

97% Of Writers Don't Finish Their Book

Yay! I'm in the 3%. How about you?

That was a pretty staggering statistic. Out of every 1,000 people that set out to write a book, only 30 actually finish. And if you then add on top of that the fact that only 20% of people who write a book actually publish it, this means only 6 people get published. I'm feeling even better now. Actually I'm feeling a little guilty. I have 10 books published. Does this mean I've ruined the dreams of 9,940 other people?

So how about you? Where do you fall in this statistic? Are you a wannabe, an unpublished author, or one of the 6 in 1,000? Let me know...


  1. I've finished two, shopping them. Painful, process. I was of the Ray Kinsella frame of mind, write it and they will come! I know, I should have my head examined.

  2. I like stats, and also like to know where stats come from so I can understand 'em a bit better. My first question here is whether or not the 20% who publish their book include self-publishing. My feeling is that as it becomes easier to self-publish, we're going to see a spike both in people who finish (now that there's a bigger incentive to do so), and those who publish (now that it's so easy to do so).

    And yes, you have destroyed almost 10,000 people's dreams by taking up that valuable publishing percentage space. Shame, shame on you! ;-)

  3. I finished a 350 page novel and never published it.
    Now I have 3 WIP that are still incomplete.

  4. I have a few unfinished works and a few finished but not published. Do I negate myself?

  5. I saw the stats on this a few years ago and then have never been able to find them again. Now that I have one published book, I believe what people say about your second book being the hardest to write! It took me 9 years to write the first book (well, that and getting my father to finally tell his story). I thought THAT was hard! Man, my current WIP is definitely a challenge!

  6. Happy to say, soon to be one of the 6! A question: is this statistic pre- or post- indie author revolution? I know it's notoriously difficult to get published by one of the Big 6, but what about self-publishing? Do you think that will change those numbers?

  7. Self published my first novel a few months ago... Wonder if it counts as finished though :P

  8. I finished my novel but didn't finish the editing lol so I guess I'm in the 3%

  9. Hey Michelle! The editing is the painful bit! :-)

  10. I've just finished my third; it'll be published and available for purchase in a few days! Wahoo! High five!

  11. Writing is my hobby and most of the time I am try to writing some books and now I've a change to make believable my writing dream. Your new writer and see this that helps me a lot to makes success my writing career.

  12. As a ghostwriter, I have written and helped publish over 20 books for over 20 different people. I too feel guilty for taking up so much publishing space. But I did help out over 20 new "authors," does that grant me a pardon? :)

  13. Hey, maybe you have written more than you know... I took a class in Interviewing and one of the items the teacher noted was my short stories over the years constitute a BOOK. And my poetry another one. Hey! Add that to my novel and one play (both unpublished of course) and one How-To book on drawing caricatures... So I claim four books and a play. Why not??

  14. Have written nine published novels and I am working on another. I've been published since I was 11 years old, with about 300 songs, countless poems, essays, and several nonfictional works. I've just finished as seven novel series, the first five chapters of which can be found on my website. Sorry about the typos in this comment, but I have to dictate it, using my phonebecause I'm legally blind and this software apparently doesn't allow for corrections.
