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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Four Star Review: Xannu - The Portal

My recently launched third book in The Southern Lands YA Fantasy series, Xannu - The Portal, just received a wonderful four star review on Amazon. Check it out. Maybe this is a series you'd like to read...

Xannu - The Portal is the third book of Paul Dorset's Southern Lands saga. All of the characters from the previous books are back with some stepping up into larger roles and some fading away a bit. I was glad to see Joe re-emerge as a character as he is a favorite of mine. I won't get into the plot very much as I don't want to release any spoilers on the book. That being said I feel that this book lives up to the amount of build that took place in the second novel. 
The story continues to build on an epic level as Matthius reveals himself as the Xannu and all the factions that want a piece of him plot to control him. While life in the Southern Lands is certainly getting more interesting for Teern, Terry is not having a picnic at home himself. In order to do what he can to help friends he is getting in trouble with his parents and finds himself in a situation that he has no idea how to handle. 
The book has a wide open ending leaving me eager to see the next installment. Although I'm not a big fan of cliffhanger endings I respect them as a literary tool and Paul does it well. Once again I will be looking forward to the next chapter in this saga, hopefully it won't be too long of a wait.

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