My Books

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Genre: Dystopian Fiction

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....Everything is NotDone

In a desolate country ravaged by years of war, the dwindling inhabitants of Ameiza live in a segregated society where fertility has its special privileges. But for the lesser citizens of Talbot City, draconian rule often means persecution or even death. Can five subjugated workers break free from the autocracy and fashion a better existence? Or will the politics of families from ages past stand in the way of unity and freedom?


Available from AmazonBarnes&NobleiTunes and Smashwords for only $0.99

1: NotDone (June 2013)
2: UnDone (September 2013)
3: PreDone (due August 2014)
4: Done (due October 2014)


"NotDone is set in Talbot City where the lives of the people are determined by their hierarchy. Plagued with unthinkable missiles bombarding the city and dissention threatening the Queen's reign of control, Dixon stumbles upon a discovery that sets about a daring escape for an unlikely group. Paul Dorset's NotDone is the first in a series of four thrilling books that will have the reader on the edge of their seat... " - Reader

"A casted society lives underground in a war-torn country. Threatened by more than merely missiles, dissention in the ranks imminently uncovers the secrets of royal deception in the tunnels of Talbot City. A small, unlikely band of lowly workers dig their way from the ruins of what is not done." - Reader

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