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About Me

...Sometimes there's stuff that needs to come out. I can't say whether it's relevant or not; it just wants to be said. These things are the 'utterances of an overcrowded mind.'

A little about me
I was born in Poole, Dorset in England in 1960 but have been living in America since 1995. I have been writing for many years and some of my early works were published in 'teen advice' columns, back in the late 1970s. I have also had many technical articles published, mostly in the field of Computing, in the 1980s.

I now live in the Pacific Northwest but have traveled extensively and worked many times with teens and youth groups. It is this background combined with a vivid imagination that has enabled me to weave a tapestry of magic into complete novels. My first epic fantasy series, aimed at young adults, is entitled 'The Southern Lands.' However, the storyline is more than exciting enough to keep adults turning pages as the story unfolds.

I am currently working on numerous other projects and plan to release several new books during 2013. A list of my writing and books can be found at the bottom of this page.

Contact me
You can reach me by email: john at
You can follow me on twitter: @jcx27

Who's the baby?
My youngest daughter, Sophie, many years ago!

Book Reviews
Did you know I will willingly send you one of my books for FREE? In return for a book review on an established blog, I will happily send you an ecopy of one of my books. Please send me an email to request a copy. Tell me a little about yourself and your blog and your review policies.

My writing rituals
People often ask if I have any writing rituals, so here we go: I need to be in 'my space' to write successfully. This means sitting at my desk with my headphones on, listening to the special playlist of writing music that I have. My playlist only contains music without lyrics (words distract me when I’m writing) and mostly it is classical interpretations. Now this is weird in itself as I usually don’t listen to classical music at any other time. The classical interpretations are from Vanessa Mae, Bond, and Yo-Yo Ma. I also have some jazz and baroque. All very eclectic! But as long as I’m listening to this music, I can write away quite happily. Oh and I need a flask of hot coffee by my side!

Which authors have influenced my writing?
When I was young, I loved to read books by C.S. Lewis, then John Wyndham, Isaac Asimov, and later Stephen King. Of course I read hundreds of other books, but these were the authors I returned to. Nowadays I read mostly 'fantasy' novels. I have books by Kate Elliott, George R.R. Martin, Robin Hobb, Douglas Adams, Robert Jordan and of course Stephen King. I also have books by Jacqueline Carey, Neil Gaiman and many other authors. I read quite a lot and normally have about three books on the go at any one time. Surprisingly, one of those is usually a mystery or crime thriller. I'm not a complete fantasy freak! When I read fantasy books, I know what I like and what I don't like. And then when I write I try and think of my audience. I ask myself 'what did I want to read about when I was a teenager?'

Writing and books
The list below is somewhat incomplete and I will be updating it as I 'bring online' other of my older works (they need a little re-editing first).

The Southern Lands (YA Fantasy)
  • Xannu - The Prophecy (Paperback 2002, epublished March 2011 - re-edited 2012)
  • Xannu - The Healing (Paperback 2005, epublished March 2011 -  re-edited 2012)
  • Xannu - The Portal (Paperback 2012, epublished August 2012)
  • Xannu - The Mayhem (winter 2013)
Melrose (16+ YA Urban Paranormal)
  • New Blood (November 2011)
  • Unicorns (September 2012)
  • Redemption (expected winter 2014)
Gwillvile (Middle Grade Comic Adventures)
  • Fergus Fedderfeeny’s Food Factory (March 2011)
  • Jai and Jasmine’s Jeopardous Journey (May 2011)
  • Daisy Driftwood’s Dutiful Decision (expected 2012)
  • Farnsworth's Phenomenal Food Fandangler
  • Hamish Hires a Heavy-Handed Hitman
  • Plundering Prate Pompus Padillus
Ryann (YA Fantasy novella, July 2012)

Murder at Windee Junktion (Adult Sci-Fi - in progress)

The 10 Hour Project Manager (Reference, April 2011)

How to Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel (Reference, May 2011)