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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pet Peeve - Twitter TrueTwit Validation

So as you know, I'm a fairly big and active Twitter user. I also make a point to @reply to people and follow them back to help them grow their network. It's what I do! In all honesty I wish I had another ten hours a day and then I could talk more and be more personal with my followers, but life is what it is and I do the best I can.

But there's one thing that really irks me about some people who use Twitter. And it's not those people who choose to keep their accounts 'private' (that's their choice). No the Twitter users that annoy me are those that use the TrueTwit service. Actually I thought at first that these people were in fact 'true twits' but maybe that's a little unfair! Why do I get peeved with these people? Well, quite simply a lot of them are people that initially followed me and I try to follow back. Seems straightforward enough. Instead, I get some email about having to validate myself in order to follow them. Well guess what, I never bother. Life is way too short to prove to someone that I'm a human being and not a bot of some description.

So nice friendly Twitter people - please, please, please, forget about this piece of software. Does it really matter who follows you on Twitter? Seriously?

Pet peeve over for the day!


  1. It is very aptly named, because you really do have to be a twit to use the service. Makes no sense at all.


  2. I agree completely! When I first started using twitter, I'd have to go through the true twit to follow someone,and I would, but now...I don't bother either.

  3. Agree completely. I have had that email several times, after trying to follow back on people who have just followed me. Don't understand what they are thinking about, making it difficult for people to follow them - they are all writers!

  4. People who want me to jump through hoops to follow them on Twitter aren't worth my time. And, when they follow me first and expect that they can make me apply to be their friend, so they can automate their account? A big no thank you. Fail.

  5. @BillGoose on TwitterMarch 28, 2012 at 8:17 PM


  6. So, you're a human being and not a bot of some description... @twitter...Well guess what, I never bother. Life is way too short to know someone :P

  7. I recently followed someone, interacted via twitter and our blogs, then received the validation notice. Like you, I have a limited amount of time.

  8. I remember having to click on it and jumping through hoops, and didn't really know what it all meant. Now I don't know if my profile automatically sends out one of those requests to potential followers or not. I do know that it fills up my private messages box, so I don't manage to see REAL private messages!

  9. The TrueTwit validation is annoying but there's something else that annoys me even more, and that's the automatic direct message that some people have set up to send when you follow them. At first, I thought people had made the effort to write me a DM, but after about five or six of them, I realized they were effectively spam.

  10. I agree- and more! Yes, those spammy DM's as well as TrueTwit. Secretly I have been thinking the same thing - whose the twit here - if ya can't tell I'm real then you are not interacting enough.

    And I do agree with you as well, what does it matter who follows? Just follow and we all learn something.... Great post!

  11. Agree, have no time for 'validation' & spam messages saying 'do check out my website' (always sent from male thriller writers in my experience)but I do feel a bit sorry for anyone who gets the first 'pet peeve' - slow walkers - slapped on them. The unwell and the elderly can't walk very fast, but it is important that people try to keep going, however slowly. And one day, that'll be us.

    1. Yes, but the clumps of slow walkers who block the way so you can't pass them are what's really annoying.

      You might be a slow walker someday, but hopefully you'll be considerate enough to leave space for others to pass.

  12. I find it extremely annoying, but I still fill out the TrueTwit validation if the person in question has good tweets.

  13. I don't even look at DMs anymore unless someone tweets me to look in it. Too full of spam. As for Bots, you can usually tell by what they are tweeting if someone is really there or not.

    By the way, if some one sends you a spam Direct Message that seems out of character, their account probably got hacked. Tell them to change their password. Friends don't let friends stay hacked. :-)

  14. the same as people who use a program to let them know how many followers and unfollowers were added in the last 24 hours... who cares...

  15. Glad you ran this again -- it IS so annoying. A bot to see if I'm a bot? How ironic.

    It's also disrespectful of me and my time. TT assumes everyone is a spammer, which means the people who use it think the same thing. Which frankly, ticks me off.

    I don't autofollow -- I vet everyone (and I'm getting up to almost 200K followers at this point (been on Twitter for four years today actually!) so if I can do it, so can people who use TT.

  16. I posted a brief complaint about TrutTwit in a blog post on social media, and the TT admin went on a mission to change my opinion on the service. Has anyone else experienced this?

  17. I have no time for TrueTwitters. I just ignore the requests. Period.
