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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Promotions & Author Re-Branding

As we enter the final few days before Thanksgiving, I thought I'd spend a few moments telling you what I'm planning over the coming week. I'm also giving an update on how my author re-branding exercise continues.

Firstly on the promotions front, I have decided to embrace Black Friday (and Saturday) and also Cyber Monday and offer different promotions every day. So just two more days until the fun begins. Why not take the opportunity now to head over to Amazon and buy a copy of my first published novel, Xannu - The Prophecy. It's only $0.99 and represents a great bargain for what has been described as a 'wonderful read.' As you may guess, I'm not going to be discounting this great book any further!!

So, onto the re-branding. As I've recently posted, I've updated and redesigned my main website, I've also spent some time to update other sites that build on my branding. All my trending tweets can be found at and as from today, you can also find this blog at Then for all you Facebook fanatics, you can friend me at I believe it's important to build a platform on which you can be successful that uses everything you have at your disposal. Branding is about consistency. Now that I have successfully ported everything underneath the PaulDorset umbrella, I can start to make better use of my brand.

So, there we have it. Watch out for the Thanksgiving promotions and take a look at all my branded sites.

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing some of the same kind of rebranding stuff, Paul, and based on the same fundamental concept: your name is your brand.

    I attended an event recently where the panelists all said that they thought it was very important to link social media to your name (as opposed to a book name or a 'fun' name). It makes it easiest for readers to find you, it is easiest to maintain (especially if you eventually have multiple books), and, again, it builds on the brand of your name. So, even though I was really tempted to set up my Twitter handle as IHeartPugs or HalfUkrainian_HalfAlien or whatever, I stuck with the basic and used my name.
