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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Blood - And The Winner Is...

A few weeks ago I posted a blog that contained a chance to win a FREE copy of my latest novel, New Blood. Well, I made the draw and the winner is:

Liz Baxter

So there were only 8 entries (and 1 of those was late) - great odds for winning - and the drawing was at random.

I have already reached out to Liz to see which electronic version of the book she wants. She's going to be one happy person!

For the rest of you - sorry, you'll need to get your own copy! In the meantime, take a look at my book trailer below and head over to Amazon and buy a copy. At $2.99 you're going to have a roller-coaster ride, reading a great paranormal thriller!

Watch the New Blood trailer:

If you don't have a flash enabled browser, click HERE to watch trailer


  1. Ooh that's me! First time I've won a book on a blog. Excellent. I've not had a message yet though (unless I've missed it or you've got two Liz Baxters?). I think you can msg me through my profile? Or I'm at http:\\

  2. Liz - no email address!! Pls send me an email - john @ CONGRATS!
