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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Writing Updates

Another month unfolds and I thought it was an opportune time to update you all on where I am with my writing. To date I have five books launched and another Xannu novel written and awaiting my redraft. I'll get to that later this month. I'm also about a third of the way through the third Gwillville book and about a third of the way through a new ebook I'll be releasing soon: 'How to Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel.'

This month I've decided it's time to start a new book, something more adult and maybe Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance genre. It's going to be an interesting voyage. I have the main story highlights in my head now and I'll be spending the next couple of days getting more story-lines and sub-plots together, ready to start writing by the weekend. I think this is going to be something quite different and fun and I hope you will all like it. I'll keep you all up to date on progress as I write. In between writing this new novel I'll be finishing off the ebook and getting that published.

I'm also waiting for several reviews on my fantasy novel Xanuu - The Prophecy to be published. Hopefully as new reviews start to come out, so the sales will start to increase. Feedback on this book to date has been exceptional, certainly beyond my hopes and I would encourage any of you that enjoy fantasy, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Narnia stories, to give it a try. I believe you will be hooked, just like everyone else who has read it so far.

Then there are my Gwillville stories, received well so far by readers, but still awaiting reviews and a breakthrough. If you like comic Middle Grade adventure, give these charming books a try.

Lastly, my project management book, 'The 10 Hour Project Manager' continues to be more successful than I ever imagined. Join the sensible reading crowd and get a hold of this small book, crammed throughout with wonderful advice, and start managing successful projects in 10 hours a week.

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