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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

25,000 Blog Hits and 15,000 Monthly Hits

Three months. That’s how long it’s taken to get 25,000 blog hits. Many thanks to all of you that have clicked a link and landed on my blog. The popularity of the blog has far exceeded my hopes. May has been an exceptional month for traffic. The release of my writing for success series has encouraged many of you to try my blog for the first time. Again, thank you!

So, what’s next? Well, I’m going to have to come up with another series of blog posts for June. Something writing related, but off at a slightly different tangent. Then there are my books themselves – please don’t forget to head over to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Smashwords and buy one. There are plenty to choose from.

There are a lot of things happening at present and I’ll try to keep you all up to date with the day to day news as we go. In the meantime, here’s to the next 25,000 hits!

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