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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Weekend - Novels, Writing & Challenges

My first week or so back working in an office job and I still haven't got back into my writing routine. It's tough not being able to spend the time you want, writing and working on your books. I'm going to have to try a few different things this week to get back on track.

The good news is that the work done on my blog and Twitter over the past few months has paid off and I am still getting plenty of blog hits each day. I just need to find a way to keep creating new content and also continue writing and then editing my books. It looks like I'm just going to have to knuckle down and make it happen.

So, what's on the agenda this week? No office job on Monday - So I definitely need to write a couple more chapters of my book. If I can I also need to get ahead of myself with my blog posts too. Then there's getting more emails out to book bloggers. It seems that promises made there, aren't coming through very well at present. Those of you that are also struggling to become established Indie Authors - you have my sympathy. This is not a job for the weak-hearted. It's also not a job for those who don't want to spend every breathing moment thinking about how to get more exposure on the books you've written.

Okay, enough rambling today. The Memorial Weekend is halfway through and there's things that need doing, so I'm off to do them. If you're looking for a book to read, then I have several suggestions for you today. If you like YA Fantasy - try Xannu - The Prophecy, only $0.99 at all online bookstores. Are you looking for something a little younger? Then try Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory, again only $0.99 at online bookstores. If it's a serious business book you're looking for, then try The 10 Hour Project Manager, $5.99 and selling very well. Finally if you're writing your first novel and would like some advice and help, try How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel, only $0.99 at online bookstores.

Plenty to choose from. Have a great weekend!

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