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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Affiliates Marketing Day

I thought I'd post of links to other author's books that you might like to purchase and read over the weekend. Spread the book-reading love!

Odd Road to Kabul by Patricia Keen-Diaz. $3.99 from
This is the remarkable story of survival and a child’s unique ability to pull through a harrowing fourteen-year cycle of neglect and abuse.

Waiting For Spring by RJ Keller. $2.99 from
Angst, sex, love, and redemption in the boonies of Maine. Waiting For Spring takes readers beyond the Maine tourists know, beyond lighthouses and lobster and rocky beaches, and drops them instead into a rural town whose citizens struggle with poverty and loss, yet push onward with stubbornness and humor.

Lilith by Maximus Romulus. $2.99 from
I am she, the natural mother of all things, the mistress and governess of all the elements. The initial progeny of worlds, chief of the powers divine. The principle of them that dwell in heaven, manifested alone and under one form, of all the gods and goddesses; at whose will the planets of the sky the wholesome winds of the seas, and the lamentable silences of hell are dispersed. I am, that I am.

This Continent Called Love, Quotations from Nobel Prize Winners by David Pratt. $2.99 from
500 quotations on love in all its forms from Nobel Laureates. Combining love with wisdom, it will delight readers of all ages. Perfect for speeches at weddings and anniversaries. Send it to sweethearts, mothers, brides, and even to your favorite cynics.

Land of Nod, The Artifact by Gary Hoover. $2.99 from
Jeff Browning is a teenage boy who, following the mysterious disappearance of his father, finds a portal in his father’s office that transports him to another dimension. As Jeff looks for clues regarding what may have happened to his father, he is accused by some of being a spy while thought by others to be a prophesized figure . . . who may be the key to victory in a developing war.

Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory by Paul Dorset. $2.99 from
Farnsworth is worried. Bags of the Food Factory’s vegetables are definitely missing! What will his boss, Fergus Fedderfeeny, say when he finds out? Then there’s the wonderful tasting pies. He doesn’t know how the recipes got changed or if it’s because of the missing vegetables. Armed with a toolbox of hammers & staying well away from The Mangler, Farnsworth is going to solve the mystery.*** READ 25% FOR FREE ***

Xannu - The Prophecy by Paul Dorset. $0.99 from
Living out a mundane school life is not the norm for Terry West. After digging up some rune coins near a roman road he has been living in another world inhabited by warlocks, seductresses, priests and prophecy. There Terry is a soldier, Teern Truthbringer, who is tasked with finding the Xannu. Battling un-earthly creatures & witnessing powerful magic are all in a day's work. But some want him dead...  *** READ 20% FOR FREE ***

Xannu - The Healing by Paul Dorset. $3.99 from
Continuing on from The Prophecy, this book follows the journeys of two groups of travelers who are both trying to heal their charges. Back in England, Terry West is distraught after the loss of his best friend. But as Teern Truthbringer the soldier, Terry is busy battling un-earthly creatures & witnessing powerful magic on a daily basis. But is he prepared for the perilous journey he has to take to heal his charge; the Xannu.   *** READ 20% FOR FREE ***

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