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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Xannu - The Prophecy : Reviews are in!

It's the last few days of March and my first Xannu book has now been available on Kindle for about one month. It's been a good month and I am hoping that things continue to move steadily forwards. So I thought I'd write a quick post to encourage some of you to have a look at my book. It's a steal at $0.99!! Here are some of the reviews:
"This is a wonderfully engaging tale, imaginatively written. An interwoven tale of two worlds - present day and a mystical land of an age long past - but is it? Once I started reading, it was difficult to put down! You'll find yourself drawn into the story and immersed into the lives of the characters. Highly recommended for all ages."
"Taking place in both a fantasy world and present day, Paul Dorset takes readers of all ages through a great tale of adventure. I recommend this for young adults seeking adventure and for adults seeking a "get away" from this world of "hurry up." This will be a series you will start and find yourself anxiously awaiting the next book to see what adventures are coming up."
"Wonderful book full of rich, interesting characters and fast paced, evolving plot lines. From the very beggining the reader is drawn into the tale and the pages turn as you long for "what happens next." I highly recommend this book for fantasy lovers, those who appreciate great characters, and those who like a good-old-fashioned page turner."
"Refreshing children's fantasy that continues to draw you in until finished. As an adult, I enjoyed it as much as my kids did."
"I have just finished reading this and I've immediately downloaded book two and the brevity of this review reflects my eagerness to get started reading it."
I am looking forward to the reviews of the second book. Meanwhile, I am currently two thirds of the way through writing the third one and am expecting to release it later this year.

Please hit up my links below and help a new author out:

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