My Books

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Buy a book in England!

I thought it was time to show a little love to my British readers today. I had a look at my blog stats and saw that British visitors accounted for over 12% of my total views. That's nearly 1 in every 8 visitors!

Did you know that my first book 'Xannu - The Prophecy' is only £0.70 in the UK Amazon bookstore??? That is amazingly cheap!

Yep, it's the same book that retails here in the US for $0.99, but priced in pounds sterling. My second book 'Xannu - The Healing' is priced at £2.83, another good buy. And you can get either book just by clicking on the picture on the left :-) The link takes you directly to the UK Amazon Kindle store. Nice and easy. So, please go download them today!

Are you from Canada? Apparently a lot of my blog readers are. But alas, I could not find my ebooks for sale on Canada's Amazon site. :-(  I am going to have to investigate this. Maybe Canadian customers can buy from the US site? Perhaps someone will let me know.

Lastly for those of you that can't find the book on Amazon or who want to download it to read on any ebook-reader (including PCs), I've included the SmashWords links below. All my books are available for purchase anywhere in the world from this site and you can pay in all sorts of ways. Anyway, that's it for now. I hope to receive plenty of feedback from you all soon.

Xannu - The Prophecy by Paul Dorset. $0.99 from
Living out a mundane school life is not the norm for Terry West. After digging up some rune coins near a roman road he has been living in another world inhabited by warlocks, seductresses, priests and prophecy. There Terry is a soldier, Teern Truthbringer, who is tasked with finding the Xannu. Battling un-earthly creatures & witnessing powerful magic are all in a day's work. But some want him dead...  *** READ 20% FOR FREE ***

Xannu - The Healing by Paul Dorset. $3.99 from
Continuing on from The Prophecy, this book follows the journeys of two groups of travelers who are both trying to heal their charges. Back in England, Terry West is distraught after the loss of his best friend. But as Teern Truthbringer the soldier, Terry is busy battling un-earthly creatures & witnessing powerful magic on a daily basis. But is he prepared for the perilous journey he has to take to heal his charge; the Xannu.   *** READ 20% FOR FREE ***

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