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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PRESS RELEASE: Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory

Paul Dorset Logo

1st in series of Comic Adventure Middle Grade novels published: Fergus Fedderfeeny’s Food Factory

Redmond author and resident, Paul Dorset has published “Fergus Fedderfeeny’s Food Factory,” a comic adventure book that marks the first in a hilarious and entertaining new series written especially for middle grade readers.
Book Cover
Book Cover
PRLog (Press Release) – Mar 16, 2011 – Redmond author and resident, Paul Dorset has published “Fergus Fedderfeeny’s Food Factory,” a comic adventure book that marks the first in a hilarious and entertaining new series written especially for middle grade. The book, published at an introductory price of $2.99, is available on Amazon Kindle at and all major ebook stores. The Gwillville series is based on many characters of the award-winning master dummy-builder Ray Guyll and is released in partnership with the Guyll family.

Farnsworth is worried. He’s counted them over again and again, but bags of the Food Factory’s vegetables are definitely missing! What will his boss, the ever so exact Fergus Fedderfeeny, say when he finds out? And then there’s the matter of the new wonderful tasting pies that Farnsworth is making. Farnsworth doesn’t exactly know how the recipes got changed or if the missing vegetables played a part in it. Armed with his toolbox of hammers and staying well away from The Mangler, he’s determined to get to the bottom of it all.

But things get complicated when unknown to Farnsworth, Fergus’ evil brother, Hamish wants to get in on the action and steal the recipe for the famous pies. What ensues is a comical adventure the likes of which Farnsworth has never had before. Can he save the day and also win the love of the beautiful policewoman Daisy Driftwood? Or will time and The Mangler catch up with him and lead to his ruin?

Fergus Fedderfeeny’s Food Factory is a comical adventure story set in the dummy town of Gwillville; a small coastal harbor town with a Fire Station, a Police Station, a school, restaurants and stores. There are houses too, where the dummies live and work and carry on their ageless day to day life. Yet not everything in Gwillville is exactly as it seems. Some of the laws of nature, which as humans we take for granted, work in slightly different ways.

Gwillville is populated with colorful characters that every reader will soon take to their hearts. With the bumbling hero Farnsworth, the precise and exact Fergus Fedderfeeny, the self-believing action hero policeman Sergeant Romeo, and the mafia dummy mastermind Sofia, there are a wealth of citizens to get to know. And you will as you follow the crazy everyday antics in Gwillville. After all, ventriloquist dummies get to have a life too!

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About Paul Dorset: Paul Dorset was born in Poole, Dorset in England in 1960 but has been living in America since 1995. He has been writing for many years and some of his early works were published in 'teen advice' columns. He has also had many technical articles published, mostly in the field of Computing. Paul currently lives in the Pacific Northwest but has traveled extensively and worked many times with teens and youth groups. It is this background combined with a vivid imagination that has enabled him to weave a tapestry of magic into complete novels. He also recently released a young adult fantasy series entitled 'The Southern Lands' and these books are available at all major ebook stores. Paul is currently working on several other projects and keeps an up to date blog at where readers can find out just what is coming next. There are several other planned books in the works which are due for release later in 2011 and beyond.

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