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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

750,000 Thank Yous

I feel blessed. In just over two years since starting this blog I have reached over 750,000 page hits. Three quarters of a million! Wow! That's not too shabby for a little lad from the country.

In celebration of hitting this milestone number I am offering all my readers a FREE download of one of my books. Just click the picture below and enjoy a wonderful Young Adult Fantasy read. Then, if you like it, please consider buying one of my other books. I'm just a struggling Indie Author and I need all the support I can get! Seriously, many, many thanks for your continued readership - it means a lot to me.

And while you're at downloading my book, why not sign up for my FREE monthly newsletter too. Each newsletter contains articles, hints & tips, special offers on my books, and usually a surprise feature.

Have a great week!

TITLE: Ryann
GENRE: YA Fantasy

Living during a time when children were sold as indentured servants, Ryann must find a way to buy her freedom before the bullying son of her lord and master exacts a deathly vengeance upon her. The castle at Walthern is inhabited by lords and soldiers, potion-makers and sclavas; all trying to eke out an existence in an unforgiving country laid waste by battle. With only a tattered yellow nightdress, two dark brown dresses, and a small assortment of odds and ends, what chance does Ryann have of beating the odds?

"...Ryann is no ordinary urchin. Paul Dorset creates a character of substance, and one to cheer for, along with a story to make a reader want to applaud. I read this story over the weekend and will leave you with this: Read the story, because any more of my ramblings will cause spoiler alerts, and I don't want that for this talented author. What I DO want is the sequel!..." (Amazon Reviewer)

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