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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How Not To Write A Novel (HOWNTWAN)

It's time for another series on my blog. The last one I wrote was last year when I blogged the complete writing process for my novella, Ryann.

So, what am I writing this time? Well, as you can probably tell from the title, it's a series of blogs about writing. But this time it's all about the things not to do when you write a book. I'm hoping to keep it lighthearted, comedic, but with a serious message. Will it be successful? We'll just have to see.

The series (of 30 essays) starts on Friday, and I'm going to be publishing two articles a week through July and August. Then in October, I'll be publishing the blog posts along with the extra articles as a book on Amazon. I can't wait to see how this turns out. It's all a part of my writing overhaul. I'm going to be changing the way I market myself, along with how and what I write. Little by little you'll see all the changes over the next few weeks and months.

The current unofficial title for the book is An Indie Author's Guide To Keeping Your Day Job, and a sample of the subjects of the essays is as follows:

1. What's your story about?
2. Write a synopsis
3. What's your genre?
4. Planner or pantser?
5. Doing some research
6. Write a lot of description
7. How long should my novel be?
8. Thinking of a title
9. Genre / age appropriate
10. Writing a first person novel
11. Third person perspective and omniscience
26. Why bother with online marketing? (Twitter / Facebook)
27. Print up business cards
28. Post it to Amazon!
29. Planning a book launch
30. Waiting for the money to roll in

I'm excited to see your reactions and, of course, I can't wait for the money to roll in...

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