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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Writing Update: 07/07/13

Just a few words shy of 70,000. That's not too shabby. Ryann's Brother is scheduled for manuscript completion in about a week's time. This book has been a major endeavor for me. It's the first of new series and is a follow-on to my highly-praised novella, Ryann.

And speaking of Ryann, this week has seen it sailing high on the Amazon charts. Take a look at the graphic below. The book got as high as #18 in the YA Sword and Sorcery category on Friday.

You didn't get your copy yet? Why not, its FREE! Just click THIS link to get the book from Amazon, or THIS link to get it from Smashwords.

So, wish me luck with the final week's writing and I'll report back next Sunday.

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