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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Introducing my publicist: Gina Tuttle

Today I'd like to introduce my publicist, Gina Tuttle. In her own words:

"Gina Tuttle wakes at 3 a.m., scans email and newspapers on her Android over breakfast, and is on the radio by 5 a.m., ready to help wake up Seattle with news and traffic. At night, she turns her Kindle off and leaves her radio on as she falls asleep. Currently, she tends to dream about Xannu and about friendly ventriloquist dummies.

"After earning her Communications degree at WSU, Gina worked her way from copy writer to news reporter to morning anchor at radio stations in Portland. Since arriving in Seattle, she has added off-air work with a variety of radio and TV stations. She has helped match anchors and services to every kind of format. And in newsrooms, she has personally dealt with tens of thousands of press releases. Her own focus is on stories and issues that will connect with each specific audience.

"Gina’s personal interests include volunteer work with those in need. She has delivered food to shut-ins for the Wallingford Food Bank, dispensed coffee and mail to the homeless at the Downtown Emergency Services Center, and served on the board of Sojourner Place, a transitional home for women.

"Gina resides near Green Lake in Seattle with her husband, daughter, two cats, and a lab. She had begun to think the news provided so many comedies, dramas and lessons that fiction might be hard-pressed to compete. Paul Dorset’s writing has reminded her there are new adventures and new worlds to explore."

Gina can be reached via email at: ginatseattle (at) and I look forward to telling you about some of the successes we achieve together.

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