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Monday, April 25, 2011

It's going to be a busy week

Time for a quick update on how things are going...

This is going to be a busy week and there's lots of things happening. In no particular order they are:

  • Release of the second book in the Gwillville series - Jai and Jasmine's Jeopardous Journey
  • Major announcement regarding the first book in the Gwillville series - Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory
  • The first review of 'Xannu - The Prophecy' by a major book-blogger
  • Price increase of 'The 10 Hour Project Manager.' - Get your book now!
  • A Press Release about my new publicist
  • More book submissions to book bloggers
  • The start of a series of articles entitled 'Writing for Success.' - These will be published later as a complete ebook
  • The link to the radio interview I did for VentriloquistCentral should be published this week
  • Create another video blog
Then next week, it will be time to continue writing the third book in the Gwillville series - 'Daisy Driftwood's Dutiful Decision.' Phew!

Another major decision I've made is that I'm going to go back and re-edit the first two Xannu books in the series over the summer. I will also be changing my publisher and then bring the third book online using this publisher. My aim is to have all this in place by August. So if you like first editions (and who doesn't?), then now is your chance to buy my books while you can still get them in their original format. Will there be big changes to them? I doubt it, but books are never ever truly finished and so I am sure there will be a few things altered.

Anyway, time to get on with some more writing. I need to get a couple of my 'Writing for Success' essays written.

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