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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Coming to a radio station near you

This afternoon I'm being interviewed on BlogTalkRadio by Ventriloquist Central. That's quite a mouthful! The topic of conversation? The Gwillville series of Middle Grade books and my association with master dummy-builder Ray Guyll.

As you know, the first in the series, Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory, was launched a little while ago and very soon the second book in the series will be released. Ray Guyll is huge in the world of ventriloquism and I'm very pleased to be able to associate with him by writing this series of comic adventure books written specifically for Middle Grade readers. Many of the characters in the books are based upon his dummies. To remind you a little about the books:
Fergus Fedderfeeny’s Food Factory is a comical adventure story set in the dummy town of Gwillville; a small coastal harbor town with a Fire Station, a Police Station, a school, restaurants and stores. There are houses too, where the dummies live and work and carry on their ageless day to day life. Yet not everything in Gwillville is exactly as it seems. Some of the laws of nature, which as humans we take for granted, work in slightly different ways.
Gwillville is populated with colorful characters that every reader will soon take to their hearts. With the bumbling hero Farnsworth, the precise and exact Fergus Fedderfeeny, the self-believing action hero policeman Sergeant Romeo, and the mafia dummy mastermind Sofia, there are a wealth of citizens to get to know. And you will as you follow the crazy everyday antics in Gwillville. After all, ventriloquist dummies get to have a life too!
As soon as the link to the interview is available, I'll post it up on the blog. In the meantime, jump over to Smashwords and download a 25% free sample of the book... ->->-> CLICK HERE <-<-<-

You can also read more about the Gwillville books by clicking the Gwillville page on this blog.

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