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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Did I miss anything?

So, here we are, back online again after a very hectic weekend. Basically since some time on Saturday I have been more or less offline with the world. I've had use of my iPhone and seen a little bit of the news, but apart from that it's been an Internet free weekend.

I'm now setup in the new house and trying to catch up with everything that I've missed while I've been away. And then there's the unpacking of course. That's not even 20% done yet! The garage seems very full of boxes! But, today it's more about getting the little things in life straight. Tomorrow the rest of the boxes will be attacked with some gusto.

In moving we decided to downsize where we were living and so I don't have a dedicated office anymore. It's going to take a little getting used to working in a corner of the living room. Still, I'm sure I'll work it all out in the next couple of days.

And this week? It's time to make a final proof read of the 'Jai and Jasmine's Jeopardous Journey'; book two in the Gwillville series. I'm hoping that book will hit Amazon before the end of the month. Then, on Saturday afternoon I'm holding a book open house at the local Irish Pub. If you're in the Redmond, WA area please come along to JJ Mahoney's between 3pm and 6pm and take a look at my books.

Well, that's it for now. Lots to do and time is already running away from me. Catch you all later. Normal service is at last being resumed :-)

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