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Friday, April 1, 2011

Paul Dorset - Author interview by

Today published an author interview with me. You can read the original article ->-> HERE. <-<- Following are a few excerpts:

What is your most recent book? Tell us a bit about it.
So, I’ve just released two of my epic fantasy books for Young Adults into the Kindle and ebook market. I started work on the series several years ago (released initially as paperbacks) and between then and now have been working on other projects. But the market has been changing recently and so...

What inspired you to write this book?
I wanted to write a novel from a time when I was quite young. Then finally I had some free time after finishing a contract abroad and returned to America. I took the opportunity and just jumped in and wrote the first draft of the first book in the series in just three months. The second book took another eighteen months!...

Do you have any writing rituals?
Oh yes! I need to be in my space to write successfully. That means sitting at my desk with my headphones on, listening to the special playlist of writing music that I have. My playlist only contains music without lyrics (words distract me when I’m writing) and mostly it is classical interpretations. Now this is weird in itself...

They also published a copy of one of my blog articles, the popular: Dummies guide to publishing on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and SmashWords.

Jump over to SmashWords and try one of my books today:

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