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Monday, January 2, 2012

FREE Cash!

We all get those emails from time to time promising us we've won the lottery in Nigeria or that a long lost relative has died and left us $15M. You don't? You're missing out...

As we start the New Year of 2012 I am reminded that nothing in life is FREE and we must never take anything for certain. 2011 was a challenging year and I've no reason to believe that 2012 will be any different. I have made several resolutions for 2012 including writing more and engaging more in the writing community and it's going to be a tough job to keep up with them all. But - as ever - I'm going to give it a try.

And also - BE DAMNED WITH ALL THE NAYSAYERS! From time to time there are people who post negative comments about one of my blog posts, or who don't like one of my books (even Leonardo Da Vinci didn't impress everybody you know), and I just need to ignore these people and their negative energy and keep positive and do my thing.

So to all of you, just remember there's no such thing as a free ride and we reap the rewards for the seeds we sow. I wish you all the best of success in 2012, and just in case you actually do want the FREE Cash promised at the beginning of my blog post, why not follow up on one the recent emails I received? I'm sure it was also meant to be sent to you too...

Dear Consignor,

This is to let you know that we discovered two trunk boxes containing cash. On 12/08/2011 diplomatic agent Mr.Smith Wiiams, he was stopped here in HEATHROW International Airport with this boxes bearing your name on the box as the consignee. We ask him for insurance certificate and international delivery permit which he stated that he is not with the certificate.

The boxes was abandoned by the diplomat who did not disclose his contact information, but your name and address is on the box as the consignee, from information reaching me the diplomat abandoned the consignment and run away over fear of being arrested for money laundering.

Base on this discovery we decided to contact you to work out modalities of delivery to you. because your name matched with the name written on the consignment.

Make sure you reply without much delay as every arrangement for delivery to you has been perfected. If you wish to know anything about this consignment packages. Kindly reply back for more directives on how to receive it by any diplomatic means in total co-operation.

Forward your home address together with your direct cell phone and any of your ID to avoid wrong delivery of the consignment to unknown person. I will give your further information on how this will be delivered without any hitch.

David Varney
The Internal Customs Revenue
Heathrow Airport.
United Kingdom 

1 comment:

  1. Of course, there are negative people everywhere Paul, don't worry about them, especially now that everybody has a computer at home. And remember, you are not writing for everybody, so those that are negative are clearly not your intended audience.

    And the letter of boxes of cash was hilarious! I can't believe that people actually fall for these scams!
