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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The New Baby (The Video)

Today I thought I'd try something a little different and post a video of me reading one of my most popular poems - The New Baby. So without further ado, here we go:

For those of you without flash you can watch the video by clicking THIS LINK.

I hoped you enjoyed it!

And for those of you who want to read it and see the words:

The New Baby by Paul Dorset

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
It's something to do with our eggs.
Not the sort that you have for breakfast with toast,
But the sort that grows long arms and legs.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
Just before Christmas, I'm told.
It's so long to wait, it seems such a shame,
By then I'll be ever so old.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
We've got to eat masses of food.
Our tummies are growing ever so big,
And it's looking a little bit rude.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
We went to the clinic today.
My mummy's baby kicked ever so hard
But mine had got nothing to say.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
Daddy's taken my mum for a test.
He said they wouldn't be gone very long
And he's sent me to Granny's to rest.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
Mum's bought back a new baby boy.
I prodded and poked it, he started to scream;
Daddy told me it wasn't a toy.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
He screams and he shouts every day.
He feeds and he burps, then changed, falls asleep
And he never comes outside to play.

We're having a baby, my mummy and me
It's such a big burden I've carried.
But I don't think I'm ready to have one just now
I think that I'll wait 'til I'm married.

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