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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's My Birthday!

Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me!

Another year has passed, and this one is becoming a watershed year. I've written approximately 230,000 words for novels this year, and I'm on track to complete 400,000 by the end of 2013. My most prolific year to date was in 2011, when I wrote just over 250,000 words.

If you've been following my blog, you've seen its evolution since I first started writing it in February 2011. Now, two and a half years later, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I'm looking forward to even bigger and better times ahead.

So, as a special birthday treat, you can use coupon code HZ76U at Smashwords, to pick up a copy of my dystopian sci-fi thriller, NotDone, for FREE. The coupon expires on August 31st, so get your copy while you can! Book two in the series, UnDone, launches on September 11th.

Oh, and as an Indie Author, if you download my book and read it, please consider giving me a review of it.

Happy Birthday!

Title:              NotDone
Genre:           Dystopian Fiction
Word Count:   42,000
Launch:          June 2013

…Please Help Us
….Everything is NotDone. 

In a desolate country ravaged by years of war, the dwindling inhabitants of Ameiza live in a segregated society where fertility has its special privileges. But for the lesser citizens of Talbot City, draconian rule means persecution or even death. Can five subjugated workers break free from the autocracy and fashion a better existence? Or will the politics of families from ages past stand in the way of unity and freedom?

Follow Paul Dorset:   


  1. Happy birthday! We share the same special day! Grabbed a copy of your book and I will review it once I've read it! Many happy wishes on y/our special day!
