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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Author Interview: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak

Today I am pleased to present to you all the 90th in a series of Author Interviews. Recently I sat down with the Renoir-loving flutist, Janett Lee Wawrzyniak, and our conversation went something like this:

Paul: I like to start my interviews by asking if you have any writing rituals?
Janett:  A strategy that works for me is writing early in the morning. When writing a novel my writing is directly on my computer. My hand written notebook of research helps keep the flow of dialogue and narrative. I do make separate interest notes that may be included in my notebook. I use the snowflake method for organizing some writing material.

Paul:  What types of books do you like to read? Who are your favorite authors? Why?
Janett:  My personal library has most genres including classics, with more in the diverse range of the thriller genre. Author: David Baldacci is one of my favorite science thriller authors. His books have interesting characters with emotional reaction, and a strong plot with research done. 

Paul:  If someone had the power to step into your creative mind what would they see?
Janett:  Looking into my creativity viewers would see branching planning maps to my goals. These maps are not necessarily written in stone. My ideas are written with desire, to perfectly interconnect in the finished work with the highest quality possible.

Paul:  How do you find the time to write?
Janett:  By scheduling regular writing time every week, in three hour time blocks at least four times a week, I write to completion. With the interest I have in my writing, I always find extra time to develop any needed areas.

Paul:  What is one thing you hope I do not tell the readers?
Janett:  Some simply don’t want to read but there is always time to read. I hope you will tell readers everything. Readers like rules.

Paul:  Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run with it?
Janett:  With my research I plot first. Then develop the character arc within the right structure, they depend on each other with narrative flow. Narrative flow enhances transitions with excitement and reactions.

Paul:  Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully-formed?
Janett:  My writing is more fully formed. My personal editing checks are done in block reviews for each chapter.

Paul:  Do you have to do much research for your stories?
Janett:  Most of my research is at hand in my files and some in notebooks. There are always possible interesting technology updates to research.

Paul:  What is your most recent book? Tell us a little about it
Janett:  Secret Terror In Wavelengths – Wave Links, a science thriller book with crime, suspense, action and adventure. Someone’s targeted earth’s population with a kill list and there is a loss of safety in the USA. Citizens are being crushed by business scientists, transitioning into another wavelength. What does that mean for people organized today?  That’s the kind of power leading Secret Terror. Will an early retired Navy Seal and Veterans, initiate wavelength tracking and blocking in time?  Brave Law Enforcement and Agencies battle for life in area raids; will they hear technology turns the war to their advantage?

Paul:  How much marketing do you do for your published works or for your ‘brand’?
Janett:  All of my internet sites have links for purchase. My writer’s platform includes free writing instruction at Writer’s Craft In Fiction Other links have up to date information for writing needs, with the most pertinent from the first page on search engines. Continual book awareness promotion is key in marketing. My sites will remain in place unless there are technical difficulties.

Paul:  What’s your favorite / least favorite aspect of your writing life? Has anything surprised you?
Janett:  I enjoy all aspects of writing and look forward to my time spent in writing. My favorite is developing great characters to follow that feel three-dimensional and real. I don’t have a least favorite aspect of writing. Nothing has surprised me to this time in my writing life.

Paul:  What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have any hobbies or party tricks?
Janett:  I oil paint in the style of Pierre-Auguste Renoir who was a French artist and contributed to the development of the Impressionist style. I enjoy my flower garden of roses, red and white with various short red flowers under them. My roses grow within an inviting garden of tall ferns and trees. I have a background in music and currently play a flute the (dizi, soprano.) I do have other hobbies.

Paul:  Thank, Janett, that was great. I wish you every success for the future.

About Janett Lee Wawrzyniak: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak has over 14 years of working expertise as Training director/instructor in technical operations/systems, research and development with University in military employ. With additional skills in Team Leadership, System Administration, Technology, Library Research, Internal Investigations, Creative Writing, Technical Writing, Resume Writing, Astrophysics, Blueprint Reading, Military Operations, Ethical Leadership, Operations Management. Has an Associate Author Membership with International Thriller Writers, ITW. Her site, Writer's Craft In Fiction helps with research and development in writing. She can be visited at other sites. Born and raised in California she currently lives in the Pacific Northwest Area with her Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Strada Fuhrs) and Quaker Parrot (June Feathers).

Janett's Blog: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak
Janett on Twitter: @wawrzyniak9
Janett on Facebook: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak
Janett's latest book: Secret Terror: In Wavelengths - Wave Links (Amazon)

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