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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Writing Update: 08/25/13

As a writing week, it's been a mixed bag. I'm tired, and my body says it's time for a vacation! So, I've missed a couple of days of writing. But, what I did write was good stuff. I've still managed to write a respectable 11,000 words, so I guess I can't complain too loudly. There are always small setbacks along the path to success!

On other fronts, I have received all my feedback for UnDone, and next week I will be performing final edits on the novella, ready for release in September. I've also been busy performing first edits to Ryann's Brother. I'm really excited about this novel, and love where it's heading.

At 52,000 words into Xannu - The Mayhem, the novel is coming into shape. It's a good feeling.

See you next week.

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