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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Coming Soon: Editorial Services From Author Paul Dorset

As I look to expand on the work I do and the help I try to give Indie Authors, I have decided to offer Editing Services starting soon. What do I mean by editing services? Well quite simply, for a small fee, I will look over a sample of your work and offer feedback on the following topics:

1. Opening sentence
2. Plot and pace
3. Level of interest
4. Dialog
5. Show versus tell
6. Descriptive text
7. Characterization
8. Genre check
9. Grammar and spelling
10. General comments

Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Well, keep reading my blog over the next few weeks and watch out for upcoming announcements.

Have a great week!

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent services you provided. Every aspect of our service is designed for your simplicity. The sentence fragment finder evaluates your sentence and makes every correction, and we do it at an amazing low price.
