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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Writing Update: 06/30/13

36 chapters. This means I am now officially 2/3 of the way through the manuscript for Ryann's Brother. It's been an exciting week and the story is now spreading out in ways I couldn't have imagined when I started the book. That's the beauty of writing. No matter how much you plan, the story always knows better!

So, another couple of weeks or so and the manuscript should be done! That's a wonderful achievement. It will mean I'll have written about 165,000 words so far this year. And only another 200,000 words to write for books that will be published early next year. If all goes to plan, this will be my most prolific year of writing since I became an indie author.

Writing as much as I have been also means I am soon going to change a few things I do on a daily basis. One of those things is going to be to cut down on blog posts. Writing 20-25 blog post a month is starting to become a strain while working a full-time job and also trying to complete 1,500 words of a manuscript (did I mention that I'm also considering upping the amount of writing I do a day too?). This means that over the next month or so you'll see the last of my indie author interviews (get your request in now - I still have a few slots left). However, I will be starting a new project very soon. Watch out for a blog post in the next couple of days to see the detail.

There we have it. Another week, another 9,000 words written. Onwards...

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