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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Off Topic: Building A House #3

The big day has finally arrived! I am writing this blog update on Friday May 31st and it is being published on Tuesday June 4th. We move house on Monday June 3rd. Why am I telling you all this? Quite simply because I've had to plan all sorts of things to take place automatically while I am busy trying to get everything back into some kind of order! Not having Internet and a proper office set-up for a few days has meant I needed to map things out well in advance.

Today (Friday) we are off to sign the papers for the mortgage. The house construction is already finished. Then over the weekend there is a lot of moving to do, followed by the actual move on Monday (which coincidentally is the date of my latest book launch - NotDone). Then Tuesday, the day you are reading this, is the day when I get my Internet restored!

Anyway, about the house. As I've mentioned before, we are moving to the eastern outskirts of Mount Vernon, WA. We are snuggled into the foothills of the Cascades, with sweeping views of the mountains on sunny days. Our backyard faces south-west and we are looking forward to BBQs in the summer! I've enclosed a couple of pictures of the house below. I'm looking forward to continuing my writing in a place that I can truly call my home!

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