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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Writing Update: 06/09/13

It's been a busy week, and not everything has been about my writing! However, this blog post is supposed to be an update on my writing and so here we go...

Last Monday (6/3) my latest book, NotDone, was launched. It's currently available on Amazon and Smashwords (with other channels following soon) for $2.99. Go check it out!

Secondly, I've got back into the manuscript of Ryann's Brother, the first in a new fantasy series that is due for release in October. So far I'm about 30,000 words in (of about 85,000). There's still lots of writing tro do to get this manuscript written!

So, that's about it for today. Next week should be packed with lots of writing so I hope to give you a fuller update then. Until net Sunday, take care!

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