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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Writing Update: 06/02/13

It's been a slow week for writing. But, I do have an excuse! This weekend we're moving into our newly constructed house and to say I've been a little busy and preoccupied with that would be an understatement!

Still, Ryann's Brother has made some progress. The manuscript is a little behind schedule but I hope I can catch up a little once we move.

On other fronts, I've made great progress with getting NotDone ready for launch on Monday (that's tomorrow!). The proof has already been vetted, and the Press Release written. All that remains to do now is to upload it to Amazon and Smashwords and let nature take it's course. I really hope you all love this exciting book. It's had some wonderful feedback so far.

So, until next week, and the new house - take care!

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