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Monday, June 10, 2013

My New Office

We've been moved into our new house for almost a week now and a lot of things are beginning to find their place. One of the biggest differences for me in our new house is my office space. It's been several years since I've had my own office and I'm really excited to get it looking just the way I want it.

At present it's just a few unpacked boxes and my PCs set up on a makeshift desk - but I have a plan! In August I will be buying a new L-Shaped desk and decorating my office with perhaps a feature wall and lots of pictures, press releases and photos. This is going to my home for many years and I spend a lot of time in my office so I want it to be my little sanctuary and inspiration.

Until then I will use it and slowly get used to its features and confines. It's good to use a space for a month or so before you reorganize it. That way you can get a feel for its pluses and minuses. But - bottom line - I love having my own office again. I am going to be a real professional writer now!

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  1. “..I love having my own office again. I am going to be a real professional writer now!” – It's so exciting to have your own office, but you have to remember that you must have better storage solutions for your files. As a writer, we value every document since it contains all of our hard work. You must have an office that can inspire you to write, and storage drives that can protect your masterpiece.

    1. All my work is backed up to the cloud... In several places. No fears there...

  2. Having one's own office at the comforts of the home can be very rewarding. You'll always have that private space wherein you could write, organise your thoughts, schedule, make crafts, and a lot more. Indeed, home offices can serve as sanctuaries. Anyway, hope to see more of your posts in the future. Cheers!
