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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday #8

On the theme of Six Sentence Sunday, here's a few sentences from my newly released novella, Ryann, which is available for FREE.

“Come on, little one,” cook said, pulling Ryann off of Megan. “Let her go in peace now.”
“No!” screamed Ryann, struggling to escape from cook’s hold. “Megan!”
Cook clutched Ryann tightly to her and rocked her to and fro. “It’s too late.”

Living during a time when children were sold as indentured servants, Ryann must find a way to buy her freedom before the bullying son of her lord and master exacts a deathly vengeance upon her. The castle at Walthern is inhabited by lords and soldiers, potion-makers and sclavas; all trying to eke out an existence in an unforgiving country laid waste by battle. With only a tattered yellow nightdress, two dark brown dresses, and a small assortment of odds and ends, what chance does Ryann have of beating the odds?

Get your copy for FREE by clicking the picture to the left.

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