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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Xannu - The Portal (Southern Lands Book 3)

There are just a few more days until the long-awaited release of Xannu - The Portal. I have my latest proof copy in my hands, I've re-checked the copy, and I think we're just about ready. It's an exciting time for me as I know this is my best book yet. It's a non-stop roller-coaster ride for all the characters, and there are lots of surprise plot twists to be revealed.

So, look out for the official release of Xannu - The Portal on Monday July 16th. It will be $3.99 as an ebook from all the usual places. In the meantime, here's a brief introduction:

For fans of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Narnia Chronicles, the third installment in a thrilling epic fantasy series…

English schoolboy Terry West’s life continues to be a wreck. Ever since his best friend Joe was lost in another land, Terry has continued to pray he would be healed and returned safely. Everything that has happened to date has been his fault. If only he hadn’t given Joe one of his rune coins. Those damn rune coins that transport him to his other world where Terry is the soldier, Teern Truthbringer, tasked with protecting the Xannu. Wars are brewing in the Southern Lands and people from many countries and religions want the Xannu for themselves.

Both Terry’s school-life and private-life are a mess and Terry’s girlfriend, Susan, continues to be everywhere that Terry is. All he wants is a little solitude in order to keep himself together, but everything is conspiring against him.

Back in the Southern Lands, Maria is determined to bring Joe home using whatever kind of magic is available to her. But others are plotting to ensure she fails. In a world inhabited by warlocks, seductresses, priests and prophecy, everyone has their own personal agenda.

How will Terry balance the two lives he leads, solve two sets of problems, and understand the lessons he receives from both? Only time will tell. But time is something Terry doesn't have too much of, as everything is unfolding in ways he could never have imagined!

Book 3 of 'The Southern Lands' saga
“To him who is given that destiny, is also given power. Not just a mortal power, but a power over all mankind. A power that will last forever. A power that surpasses all others. Once it is unlocked it will never be tamed. Once it is released it will never be quashed. Once it has struck it will never be quenched.” (The Holy Scriptures of Luux - Tablet II)

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