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Monday, July 23, 2012

Writing Experiment #36 - Ryann Launch Nears

This is number thirty-six in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I have already written approximately 900 words per day and completed the draft manuscript. I am pleased to report that the editing phase is also complete!

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - COMPLETE
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 18 to June 21 - COMPLETE
  • Reader Proofs - June 22 to July 10 - COMPLETE
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 11 to July 13 - COMPLETE
  • Ryann LAUNCH - July 26


Today's Date: July 23rd
Progress: I am now 3 days from launch and everything is set. I have copies of the paperback; I have prepped Amazon, Smashwords, et al; and now all I can do is wait for the 26th July. This has been a wonderful experiment and I am really pleased with the wonderful feedback I have received from you all.

I just need to play my marketing tricks and get the book listed on Amazon for FREE. This will probably take about a month. In the meantime it will, of course, be available as a FREE download from Smashwords AND MY WEBSITE! (Yes, something I haven't tried before).

So, until the 26th, here's the promotional blurb that will accompany the book:

Title: Ryann
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Word Count: 30,000

Living during a time when children were sold as indentured servants, Ryann must find a way to buy her freedom before the bullying son of her lord and master exacts a deathly vengeance upon her. The castle at Walthern is inhabited by lords and soldiers, potion-makers and sclavas; all trying to eke out an existence in an unforgiving country laid waste by battle. With only a tattered yellow nightdress, two dark brown dresses, and a small assortment of odds and ends, what chance does Ryann have of beating the odds?

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