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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Blood - Book Trailer

This morning I am pleased to bring you the brand new video trailer for my upcoming novel, New Blood. Patricia Lynne has done a great job in producing this for me and I hope you spend a little time to click on the trailer below and see just what New Blood has in store for you when it's released on November 1st. Enjoy! And I welcome your feedback.

A single kiss can get a girl killed. But what if he's the most irresistible man you've ever met? What would you do?

Watch the New Blood trailer:

If you don't have a flash enabled browser, click HERE to watch trailer

"New Blood reads like season one of an addictive paranormal TV series. The premise takes the power of relationships beyond even the vampire thrill. The characters are fleshed out (except the victims, who are left convincingly dry) and we care enough about our heroine Lucy, to dread her migraines almost as much as she does. Add in a paranoia about the people who are really in power and... well, the temptation is to call it a formula for a long and satisfying series. However, Paul Dorset rises above formulaic prose with writing so compelling that only after you catch your breath do you realize the craftsmanship. He tells stories. And as with the best paranormal fiction, the fantasy serves to illustrate some basic truths of the human condition." - G. Tuttle (reviewer)

New Blood (Melrose Part 1) - Genre: 16+ Young Adult Urban Paranormal Thriller

In a world where big corporations are controlled by a secret society, Beau is on track to have everything he ever wanted and more. And there is only one woman that stands in his way - As long as she can resist falling in love with the man of her dreams.

In this contemporary tale of power, greed, ambition, love and death, what would you be prepared to sacrifice to have it all?


  1. i like the trailer very much but the music not so much with ather music it will be amazing

  2. Funny, I think the music is excellent & sets an apt mysterious tone. However, for me I don't often like seeing shots of the protagonists, because I'd prefer to read the book and have my own picture of them in my imagination from reading

    marc nash

  3. The shots aren't meant to necessarily represent the protagonists. In fact, the descriptions inside the book are somewhat different. The book cover is just supposed to represent the type of mood.
