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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cougars & Beavers - An Evening Watching College Football

Last night I got to watch my first college football game since I've been living in Washington state. The game was the Washington State Cougars versus the Oregon State Beavers - two teams that have struggled over recent seasons. It was played at Seattle's Centurylink field in front of just under 50,000 fans.

Was it a great game? Not especially. Was it an important game? Certainly for the future of the WSU coach. And certainly for the pride of OSU. Was it a fun evening? Totally. The score didn't really matter (it was 44-21 to OSU), the defense of WSU forgot to show up, and the refereeing reminded me at times of several MLS soccer matches. But the important thing was the spectacle - and a spectacle it was. Take a look at the photos below and then visit my Facebook album to see the rest.

Click to see the complete Cougars & Beavers album on Facebook.

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