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Monday, October 17, 2011

A Farewell to Kasey Keller - Seattle Sounders

I thought I'd go off-topic today, among all my craziness of preparing for a book launch, and dedicate a little blog post to a goalkeeper extraordinaire, Kasey Keller. For those of you that know nothing about him, Kasey is the goalkeeper for the excellent MLS soccer team, the Seattle Sounders. Kasey is coming to the end to his career, having played soccer all over the world, including as the US National goalkeeper, earning over 100 caps for his country. Most recently he has played for the Sounders and been a major reason why the team has enjoyed so much success.

So, sit back, take a look at a few pictures and then click the link HERE to browse the complete photo album on Facebook. Have a great day!

Go to the complete Facebook album: CLICK HERE!

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