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Friday, October 28, 2011

New Blood - 4 Days & Counting

Yep, I can't believe it. Just four more days until The Big Launch. Scary stuff - and it's not even Halloween yet! Yesterday I updated my Book Launch invitations in Facebook, took a visit to the two pubs that are hosting my events and made sure the posters were still in place. I even handed out a few cards to encourage people to come. Then last night I created a little table card for one of the pubs (JJ Mahoney's) to help kick the marketing up a gear. I also sent out a box of my paperbacks to my PR company, ready for them to send out to reviewers who request a copy. There are still too many jobs left to do... Oh well, chill, relax. It'll soon be time for a relaxing glass of wine at the weekend!

In the meantime, take a look at the table cards, advertising my book launch. Have a great day! - Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment HERE for your chance to win a FREE copy of the book.

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